HARSLE 2500T Metal Door Embossing Machine For Sale

China OEM 2500T metal door embossing machine is designed by ANSYS software manufacturers with low maintenance and easy operation. It’s a very hot sale.



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1. 2500T Metal Door Embossing Machine For Sale is designed by ANSYS software manufacturers low maintenance and easy operation

2. Vysoká pracovní rychlost a vysoká účinnost

3. Rámová konstrukce s vysokou tuhostí

4. Professional manufacturer of the indoor production line

Hlavní rysy

● 2500T Metal Door Embossing Machine. The whole welded machine structure achieves high rigidity; the machine is designed by ANSYS the software that can ensure the reliability and precision of the door embossing machine.

●For every hour, the machine can press 100 pieces of sheets (thickness between 0.4mm and 1.0mm), 70 pieces of sheets (thickness more than 1.0mm), 200 pieces of sheets (thickness between 0.2mm and 0.4mm)

● Jedna forma na kůži je pro jeden design, na stejný rám formy lze použít různé formy na kůži stejné velikosti.

● Životnost každé formy na kůži je více než 100 000 kusů listů a konstrukční hloubka každé formy na kůži je do 15 mm.

● Sloupová struktura může dosáhnout vyšší pevnosti, stabilního pracovního postupu a delší životnosti.

 2500T Metal Door Embossing Machine HARSLE 2500T Metal Door Embossing Machine For Sale HARSLE 2500T Metal Door Embossing Machine For Sale HARSLE 2500T Metal Door Embossing Machine For Sale

Informace o společnosti

2500T Metal Door Embossing Machine. HARSLE is a leading and professional metalworking machine manufacturer in China, established in 1997 and located in the ancient cultural city of Nanjing, Jiangsu Province. 2500T Metal Door Embossing Machine. After 20 years of development, a famous and influential modern enterprise owns three subsidiary corporations; they are Nanjing HARSLE Machine Tool Co., Ltd, Nanjing HASS CNC Machine Tool Co., Ltd, and HARSLE industrial limited. Its sales revenue has increased by over 100% yearly in recent years.

After Sales Service for China OEM 2500T metal door razicí stroj

1. Warranty period is 12 months after receiving the machine; any quick-wear part is available for free during the guarantee period under proper operation, customers only need to pay for the freight of the replaced new parts. 2. Installation and training service is optional for customers, any client can ask for this service from HARSLE, they should assume the airfare and accommodation for our engineer during the journey.

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