1500W Hand-Held Laser Welding Machine For Sale

Laserový svařovací stroj využívá vysokoteplotní oblouk generovaný, když jsou kladné a záporné póly zkratovány okamžitě.



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A 1500W Hand-Held Laser Welding Machine is a versatile and powerful industrial tool used for precision laser welding applications. It is designed to provide high-power laser welding capabilities while offering the convenience of handheld operation. Here are the key details of this handheld laser welding machine:

  1. Power Rating: The machine features a robust 1500-watt laser source, which indicates its welding capacity and suitability for a wide range of welding tasks.
  2. Laser Welding Process: It utilizes advanced laser technology for welding, which offers several advantages, including:
    • Precision Welding: Laser welding provides highly focused and precise welds, making it suitable for intricate and delicate work.
    • Minimal Heat Affected Zone (HAZ): Laser welding minimizes the heat-affected zone, reducing the risk of material distortion or damage.
    • Versatility: It can weld various materials, including metals (steel, aluminum, copper, etc.) and non-metals (plastics, ceramics, etc.), depending on the laser source used.
  3. Hand-Held Design: The machine is ergonomically designed for handheld operation, allowing welders to have precise control over the welding process. This handheld feature is ideal for applications that require mobility and access to tight spaces.
  4. Control Interface: Modern handheld laser welding machines typically feature user-friendly digital controls and displays, enabling operators to adjust laser parameters such as power, pulse duration, and spot size for precise welding.
  5. Portability: Being handheld, this welding machine offers exceptional portability, making it suitable for on-site welding tasks and job sites where maneuverability is essential.
  6. Safety Features: Laser safety measures are integrated into the machine to protect operators and bystanders from laser radiation. Safety goggles and protective enclosures may be provided.
  7. Applications: This machine is used in various industries, including automotive, aerospace, jewelry manufacturing, medical device fabrication, and more. It is ideal for tasks such as welding intricate components, jewelry assembly, and medical instrument manufacturing.
  8. Accessories: Depending on the model and application, the machine may come with accessories such as laser focusing optics, workpiece holders, and safety equipment.
  9. Maintenance: Regular maintenance is essential to ensure the handheld laser welder’s optimal performance. Maintenance tasks may include cleaning the optics, checking alignment, and replacing worn components.
  10. Cooling System: High-power laser welding machines often have built-in cooling systems to manage the heat generated during operation, ensuring consistent performance.
  11. Duty Cycle: The duty cycle of a laser welding machine indicates the percentage of time it can operate continuously at a specific power level without overheating. A 1500W handheld laser welder may have a moderate to high duty cycle, depending on the specific model.

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